Meditation cushion Signal Red:
Our meditation pillow Signal Red is generously filled with organic buckwheat. Thanks to an inner pillowcase you can remove and wash the outer one. Both pillowcases are made of organic cotton and GOTS certified.
Meditation cushion Signal Red - the anatomical Benefit:
As soon as you stay longer in meditation, a meditation cushion or a yoga bolster is indispensable. Due to the slightly elevated position in which you sit, your spine and thus your back is relieved. In addition, your joints are also relieved. This allows your breathing and prana to flow better. Furthermore, you should always make sure that your hip joints are placed higher than your knees. This makes sitting for longer periods of time more comfortable. In our western world we are not used to sitting cross-legged, lotus or shin sitting. Therefore, caution is generally advised. Sitting too long in any of the positions just mentioned, can damage your meniscus or even your cartilage. In general, the rule of thumb is: if something doesn't feel right, change your sitting position.
The right choice of your meditation cushion:
On the one hand, the height of your meditation cushion depends on your flexibility and the mobility of your hips. On the other hand, it also depends on your preferred sitting position and, of course, simply on how comfortable you feel. In general, your pelvis should tilt slightly forward. This will give you a straighter spine. In general, it is recommended to start with a height of 20 cm or more. When you are more experienced, you can reduce the height.
Other uses for our meditation cushion Signal Red:
A meditation cushion is not only suitable for meditation. It can also improve your posture in the home office. And playfully open your hips and feel your way to the lotus position.
various seating meditation cushions:
Vajrasana or heel sit:
Vajrasana, also called Thunderbolt Pose or Diamond Pose, is a kneeling position in which your calves lie next to your thighs. However, there is also a variation in which you sit on your shins and feet. In Virasana Toesquat you stretch your toes. However, when you sit in Thunderbolt or Virasana, you stretch your ankle and upper foot. This seat makes you long in the spine. Consciously bring your shoulders back. Be sure to keep your feet together. Your hips exert an internal rotation. This position involves your torso but also your groin and hip flexors as well as your pelvis.
involved Nadi:
In Vajrasana you activate your Vajra Nadi. In yoga philosophy, it is believed that if you can consciously control this nadi, it can give you a lot of power. This is because your mind is said to be able to activate sexual energy.
Sukhasana or cross-legged seat
From an anatomical point of view, cross-legged sitting helps you by lifting your chest and ribcage. In addition, your hips perform an outward rotation. Your sitting bones take the weight of the body. In addition, your knees rotate outward. In addition, your spine is lifted and stretched upwards. In summary, hip flexors, gluteal muscles, pelvic floor and torso are involved while your spine is unloaded. In addition to the Sukhasana pose, there is also the Swastikasana variation. Here your body experiences a deeper flexion of your ankles, knees and hip-internal rotation.
Agnistambhasana - Firelog
If we translate from Sanskrit "agni" means fire. In addition, "stambh" translated means statue. This is where the translation into English "firelog" comes from. Stretching targets both the hips and the knees. Often we feel one side of our body is more elastic. This is due to the fact that nowadays our body is sometimes exposed to unilateral loads. Through regular exercise from the Firelog position, the symmetry of our body can be balanced. This benefits your hips, pelvis and knees.
The lotus seat got its name because it embodies a lotus flower. This is because when the lotus seat is in your practice, you will have an upright posture in this position. In addition, the steady position makes it easier for you to receive energy. Moreover, your chakras can flow better. By the way, "Padma" means "lotus".
or also lotus seat:
If you get used to sitting on your sit bones and can do this for a long time without any problems, then one day the lotus is the goal. Until you get into the Lotus, it takes more or less patience and training to open the hips, depending on the situation. Practicing the Lotus position will benefit your spine as well as your hips and ankles. Start slowly and try to increase your time a little at a time. The goal is to be able to sit in the position for longer periods of time without any problems.