
Fasciae are also called glides. They surround our entire body. Our organs and muscles and tendons. You can think of it as a big spider web that wraps around everything.

They are located almost everywhere in our body. In the bones, muscles, skin and cartilage. In addition, also in the joints and tendons and organs. This also includes our brain and spinal cord. They stabilize and "separate" our muscles from each other, so to speak. This prevents friction from occurring, At the same time, power is transferred from one muscle to another.

Perhaps you have also heard in this context about Myofascial Release is one of them. This is a method used in therapy for stimulation of connective tissue fibers. Basically, the treatment is performed on the painful fascial tissue. Pain conditions can be treated by Myofascial Release. The term Myofascial Release comes from the Latin fascia (for ligament, bundle) and release from the English (for loosening).

Cause of agglutinated fasciae:

If our fasciae are "stuck" together, we feel stiff and "rusty".

Behind the agglutinated fasciae is probably a lack of nutrient supply and the disturbed removal of metabolic products. In addition, through too little or too one-sided movement can be the cause. To give you a better idea, the protein fibrin is found in the fasciae and resembles a glue. However, if this can no longer be removed from our cells, then they "stick together", so to speak.

Yoga in general can contribute immensely to improvement. In this context, Yin Yoga is especially beneficial.

How do I know that my fasciae are stuck?

Often, fascial problems manifest themselves as pain whose cause cannot be found immediately. Neck, shoulder, back or joint pain are typical. In addition, agglutinated fasciae also lead to movement restrictions, one feels somehow stiff.

Common complaints caused by stuck fascia:

- Back pain.
- Neck pain.
- Shoulder pain.
- Abdominal pain.
- Joint pain.
- Tendonitis and irritation

Edit fascia - the purpose:

In doing so, you should help release tension and reduce pain. This can relieve sore muscles and increase mobility. More precisely, fascia rolls are supposed to tighten the connective tissue and thus also help against cellulite, for example.

What does the training do?

Consequently, fasciae are supposed to provide the transmission of force from muscle to muscle. This keeps our musculoskeletal system supple. In addition, the training of fasciae is supposed to solve back pain, keep joints flexible and thus prevent the development of osteoarthritis.


Back view of a man and his fascia points. 3D view including anatomy and muscles. The myfascial trigger points are described as hyper irritable points in the fascia around the skeletal muscle.

Our fascia accessories and the environmental factor:

Due to the increasing popularity of yoga for years, this should actually benefit our environment. Basically, however, unfortunately the opposite is the case. Often, the yoga props only add to the environmental pollution. After all, many items are made of PVC. PVC in particular is considered one of the most toxic plastics around. A responsible yogi should be aware of this and try to make this world a LITTLE better. Our props are biodegradable and will eventually dissolve.


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