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Why everyone should have a meditation cushion in their home office....

Home Office Back Pain

Back pain in the home office?

Why everyone should have a meditation pillow in their home office and how it can ease your back pain!

Do you often have back pain?

Pain in the shoulders or neck?

Or is it the lower back?

The causes:

The causes are manifold: Perhaps you put your body under one-sided strain, due to your job?

Or you are a mom with a small child and even if you try to switch, you usually tend to prefer a side on which you carry the child for the majority of the time?

Maybe the opposite is the case and you move far too little?

Or you had a herniated disc or have scoliosis (spinal curvature) in general?

Or maybe you just don't have room for a full office at home?

A lot of office work at home and a lack of ergonomic office equipment can also lead to back pain.

What you can do about it, why everyone should have a meditation pillow in their home office:

In general, make sure that you move and change your position as often as possible!

Stretch in between and simply stretch yourself. For example, just clasp your hands behind your head and open your heart and shoulders!

Maybe stand while you do this and bend to the right and left sometimes!

For example, if you do not have an office chair and desk and work with a laptop, then:

Switch from sitting to standing, from the chair in the dining area to the floor and back again.

If you sit on the floor, it is usually not so comfortable over a longer period of time. With a meditation cushion, however, you are slightly elevated. Ours are mostly 12-15 cm high.

Maybe you also have a wall or a sofa where you can lean your back and / or put your laptop?

For example, a corner sofa is perfect to put the laptop on it and then sit on a meditation cushion on the floor.

Now let's get to it, "Why everyone should have a meditation cushion in their home office" and how it can possibly reduce your back pain at home.

Let's take a look at the benefits from an anatomical perspective of why everyone should have a meditation pillow in their home office:

We relieve:

- our spine

- the basin and

- the intervertebral discs

- we automatically sit up straighter

- moreover, our shoulders are less bent forward

- thus we put less stress on the spine and joints and the best:

Over time, we get used to more body tension and automatically sit straighter and with more tension in the back but also in the abdominal muscles.

Observe people once, e.g. inconspicuously in your next yoga class. Or when the next summer comes, people in the park or in a bathing establishment or on the beach, if you sit on the ground. Mostly you can recognize those who have been practicing yoga for years by their straight posture.

You will notice that they (unless of course there are physical impairments) simply sit more upright. Mostly you can recognize the yogis and the dancers.

Hip opening and the lotus seat (Padmasana):

Another advantage of sitting on a meditation cushion is that we can work on our hip opening. And in yoga it is believed that the negative emotions are at home in the hips. So if you are having a day where you are just "grumpy", in a bad mood, go to a yoga class and tell your instructor that you need hip openings. Most likely, after the class you will be a little more balanced, peaceful, in a better mood....

Many yogis strive for the lotus position. We have put together some yoga positions with pictures of how you can sit on a meditation cushion. This way you can gradually open your hips and maybe reach the lotus position. And if this is not the case - then it doesn't matter. Accept your physical limitations. For that you may have good balance or open shoulders.... Either way, if you sit in the positions regularly, your hips will automatically open up.

Even more Sitting positions with pictures can be found on our homepage under:

Preview next blog and small request:

If you liked our blog on "Why everyone should have a meditation cushion in the home office", please share it and follow us on social media, we would be extremely happy. In our next post, we'll delve into the topic of back pain and give you a complete simple flow with pictures and detailed description on how to practice it correctly (just like we'd say in a class).

And a little exercise can not hurt in general 😉

In this sense, all the best wishes

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