Interesting facts about arm balances


Thanks to arm balances we strengthen our balance and concentration? In addition, of course, our arms and shoulders. Furthermore, we promote our blood circulation. In general, your wrists should be well warmed up. It is advantageous if you have some practice. Especially important for arm balances are our deep muscles in the shoulder area but also in the back and abdomen. As a result, we stabilize our body and can perform arm balances in a healthy way.

An example of arm balances is the Chaturanga (yoga push-up) or also the Crow.


Besides we find so also to internal peace and sharpen our senses, particularly our ?intuition ?
Consequently, in arm balance positions we have to get out of our comfort zone and that requires courage and confidence. Often we find ourselves with our face close to the ground. However, these positions then also strengthen our self-confidence: