Things to know about balance positions

"True rest is not lack of movement. It is balance of movement."



One-legged poses from the emotional perspective, we need to concentrate and focus. We need to find our center of gravity, and also accept that we may reach our limits. When we wobble, it can be calming and create a sense of stability. In this context, 3 things are extremely important:

1. breathing - focus only on yourself and your breathing (maybe even turn away at the beginning so that you are not distracted when others are wiggling)

2. drishti (your point of view) Fix your eyes on a fixed point. Stare at it constantly and keep concentrating on your breathing! This way you can hold the position better, even if it is shaking right and left of you. 

3. body tension: Depending on the position, but generally with inverse postures, arm balances and balance in standing, a body tension is extremely helpful to stabilize you. So tense your back, shoulders, abdomen!!!

As soon as we lose focus, we fall over.
We drop all other thoughts to focus on the task at hand. That's why these poses can evoke a deep sense of calm, even though they require intense, unwavering alertness.
When we balance ourselves, we align our body's center of gravity with the earth's gravitational field. When our bones are in balance, our nerve impulses, thoughts, emotions and consciousness. can also come into balance. Therefore, we feel calm. Balance brings equilibrium

Poem about balance:

Intermediate tones

Get quiet, notice your surroundings;
have patience, then everything will become quite clear.
You can hear them, the nuances,
nothing can disturb you - you recognize the beauty,
because you understand the meaning behind everything,
how everything falls into place when you live mindfully,
is in harmony with everything and does not take off.
Your consciousness acquires new dimensions,
before something happens, you already know it.
Gratitude fills your heart,
gone is the old pain.
Deep inner peace spreads through you,
live every second - it's your time.
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