Prevent worth knowing


If we look back in history, we were given by nature a body for which it is no problem at all to reach the ground with the flat of the hand. However, considering the evolution and the arrival of furniture in the Western world, our body has adapted.

Nowadays, as we mostly sit on chairs, it is already a challenge for many to even begin to move the fingertips towards the floor. This can lead to chronic damage to the spine.

Here, prevention can help in the truest sense of the word to "prevent".

After all, we boost the immune system and digestion and stretch our spine. But also the backs of the legs and buttocks muscles are stretched.


Due to this, the back and neck can relax and we find back to our center. For example, after a stressful day. As a result, bending over helps us to center ourselves, let go and sharpen our mindfulness.